Yes, I did It :-( ...... I made the cardinal sin of eating in a KaKa Hotel (hotel tara ... courtesy shivakumar) ... adu nonveg !!! It gave me a lifetime of memory. I hate eating non-veg now & have completely stopped eating non-veg !!!

* Nakkan barota (its paratha) antha kodthane ... olle sandpaper thara hard agi iruthey.
* Nakkan EggMasala ante .... kolthogiro mori (motte) koche thara ithu ... yuck.
* Nakkan Gheerice antu vasane bartha ithu ... it was a restaurant in hell !!!
* Nakkan Chilly Chicken (Adi's Itemu) antu chilly + some alien thing(naayi mamsanu irbahudu) thara ithu ... i don't know how old was that ???
* Nakkan Slice anthu bottle open maadi naanu ucche uydiro thara ithu !!!
- We paid 200/- rs for the food we didn't eat.
- I got fever afterwards ... still recovering.
- I dont know whether i will ever taste nonveg again !!!
Gains/Lessons learnt:
- Never Ever go to a restaurant near bus stand.
- I am not eating non-veg.
Confession No. 2
Yes, I have the capacity .... yes i can simply drink half litre of whisky & have a terrible hangover the next day. I dont want to elaborate much on this ..... i hate the feeling of hangover !!! I sincerely apologize to all my friends for the inconvenience i caused the next day .... I hope you guys understand that i had very little energy left :-).

Lessons Learnt:
- Never Ever have an hangover, when you have planned to do anything next day.
- Corrollary of 1: Moderate when you are in a far away place ;-) !
1 comment:
hey chetu, nice lessons learnt. Valmiki rishi agakke munche kalla agiddaranthe.
Neenu kudo ella bittu yogi agbidu mama....
Also write about Kiran's feats in the trip
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