Sunday, March 29, 2009

Super Sport Sunday!

Its a sport lovers dream day ....

Morning: IND vs NZ (Test match)
Afternoon: Raceday (AUS GP)!
Evening: AUS vs SA (T20 match)

and then the EPL whole night.......

Enjai guys!

Friday, March 27, 2009


When I started the blog Random Geechings ... I meant kannada "Geech"-ing where it means to "scratch randomly"!

Recently I encountered the following .....

Gooch: Gooch, A.K.A. "grundle" is the area that attaches ones sac to ones ass-hole.

..................... guess what comes next!

Geeching: considered a fine art by many, Geeching involves the tickling of a Gooch from behind by a Geecher.

Now This is called EPIPHANY moment!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fall behind

feeling endless hurt
Falling down, In the pain
Just kill me!

My heart's losing the color of life
Release all my pain, sadness
Kill my heart!

I don't wanna let my emotions get out!


Unseen they suffer
Unheard they cry
In agony they linger
In loneliness they die!

Strange Dreams

I have been having these strange dreams/night mares from past few days ..... are they possible warnings?

Dream1: I am in a serene forest wandering, merry making jolly good. Suddenly out of nowhere a lion starts chasing me, I am fortunate to notice it and start to run. I keep running for a while and notice that lion is not very far behind me .... then I kind of blank out without knowing what happens next! The sinking feeling of death is all that remains .....

Dream2: I enjoy riding both in real and illusion. I am having one helluva ride, there is pure fun ... I would be almost ecstatic achieving nirvana state ... suddenly the same sinking feeling hits, this time its fast. I get the feeling of choking to death ... I will be killed instantly ... with not even a second to think!

Deathly dreams, which I prefer not to term "nightmares" as I am kind of indifferent to death. I dont know whether I have lived a quality life or life which I wanted to, many a times we dont have a choice to decide as the life itself was a chance with destiny.